Saturday, July 17, 2010


Well, after 9 months of dieting, a 4 week binge eating group,several psychology visits (not sure what that says about me), multiple tests, monthly weigh-ins, daily food journaling, working out my PCP chart notes, and many follow-ups with the insurance submittal team at Cleveland Clinic...(whew)...I was approved on 7/13/10 and scheduled for surgery the next day!

YEA! I am so excited to finally be done with the whole insurance approval process! I'm so excited to move on to the next step! I'm not so excited to start my 2 week liquid diet towards the end of next month...but I won't let that spoil the moment.

My surgery date: 9/10/2010!

When I think about all the work I had to put into just getting approved for this surgery it gives me hope that I can work hard and persevere and be successful with this new tool I'm about to get.

I can't wait!

Now the hard part...keeping myself on track...and avoiding a month of "last supper" mentality.